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Take a look at what we do
The MiMentor platform provides a holistic approach to coach education specifically for Coaches and Managers. We have collaborated with leaders in the industry to create the following courses which cover the four areas of the FA Four Corner Model; Technical and Tactical, Physical, Social and Psychological.
What's new?
SCORM Course Accreditation
ASDX - October
ASDX - October
Overcoming Failure in Sport
Welcome to ‘Overcoming Failure in Sport’.

This course will examine the importance of failure in athletic performance and development and provide strategies for players and coaches to manage and overcome failure.

We hope you enjoy the course. Click the link 'Failure In Sport' to begin...
World-class education right at your fingertips. MiMentor features a number of FREE introduction courses that cover topics from nutrition and sports psychology, to conditioning and decision making.

Become the best coach you can be

On-demand learning for ambitious football coaches

Unlimited access to all our courses, delivered by the best coaches in the game with new content every month

A personalised learning experience geared around your area of focus - plus direct, personal feedback

Academic-led education, mixing the underpinning theory with practical application

Connect and learn with a global community of coaches

a year